Environmental Effects Of Bottled Water
Global environmental impact of bottled water is enormous. The plastics industry can release toxic contaminants into the air and water therefore environmental and human health impacts can be significant. Bottled Water Google Images Water Bottle Emergency Food Storage Bottle Buying bottled water is wrong says Suzuki - CBC Report At The Water Project we build water points at schools and in communities to provide access to clean safe water. Environmental effects of bottled water . In the US only 22 percent of PET bottles were recycled in 1997. Bottles used to package drinking water takes more than 1000 years to biodegrade and can produce toxic fumes. The entire life cycle of bottled water uses fossil fuels contributes to global warming and causes pollution. And while the US. Investing in broadly accepted science and technology to improve water quality. The over-extraction of water resources can change entire habitats and ecosystems making the area drier and threatening the liv...