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Vegan Food Guide

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits whole grain foods and protein foods. Express Edition 2013 both by Registered Dietitians Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina Book Publishing Co. Vegan Food Pyramid Vegan Food Pyramid Vegan Nutrition Vegan Foods Vegan Fast Food Is Fabulous. Vegan food guide . Vegetables shown to take up just over one-quarter of your plate in the diagram should come from the listings in the. However you can also break them down with a fork or potato masher for a crumblier texture. Full Guide to Meeting Your Nutrients. Graphic from Becoming Vegan. ALL OTHER VEGAN FOODS. Here is a plan for healthful eating designed to keep you in optimal health. The Vegan Food Pyramid. VEGAN DAIRY EGGS. Rich sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices cantaloupe kiwifruit mango papaya pineapple strawberries broccoli Brussels sprouts peppers tomato juice cabbage and cauliflower. Choose foods with healthy fats instead of. VEGAN MEATS FISH. And guess what...