Whole Foods Vegan Options
Just about every sourdough and rye bread that you find at any grocery store will be vegan. The Whole Foods store-made vegan cupcakes dont qualify as a vegan health food but they do qualify as an occasional yummy treat. The Best Whole Foods Vegan Products That You Need To Try List of Foods Vegans Dont Eat Lets start with an overview of foods that vegans dont eat to lay the foundation for any vegan beginner reading this shopping guide. Whole foods vegan options . Milk alternatives almond oat cashew coconut soy hemp Cheese alternatives vegan cheeses Yogurt alternatives coconut almond Creamer alternatives. Whole Foods Chocolate Chip Scones. Raw desserts are not low calorie but they are no empty calorie. Vegan chicken fried tofu. The cheddar slices are the first vegan cheese I would happily eat the slices all by themselves like I would dairy cheese in the past. Meat like beef pork poultry turkey lamb game meat etc. People who follow vegan diets abstain from consuming a...